Rio to Portoroz

Thursday, 29th September 2016

Well Rio was far better than we expected and our Olympians ran faster, jumped higher, swam quicker, rode quicker  and aimed better than they had ever done before.

Just when our time clocks had adjusted along came the Paralympics to make us burn the midnight candle once again.  What an inspiring lot of athletes they are, not only are they dedicated to their sport but have to overcome their disability before they even set foot on the sport arena. Equaling the Olympians position in the medal table they inspired the country with their bravery and good humour.

So now what are we to do?  Well Medau Movement’s own display team are off to represent Great Britain at the 5th Golden Age Gymnastic Festival in Potoroz in Slovenia on 1st October 2016.   The GAGF is only for those over the age of 50 and is not competitive but a coming of nations from all over the world to show what they do to keep fit and healthy in the autumn of their years.

Participants can try out many sports or activities in workshops throughout the week.  There is a Medau workshop taken by our own Margaret Charlwood and the display team will be performing twice during the week.

This is the fourth time that we have attended the GAGF and have had the honour and pleasure to be the only group from Great Britain to go and share our love of music and movement. We wish them well.